Profile: Kyle and Colleen

Kyle and Colleen

"We understand that just as we have hopes and dreams for this child, so do you.

We know all of the considerations and decisions you are making right now are out of your never-ending love for your child. Adoption is the most precious gift you could give. We understand that just as we have hopes and dreams for this child, so do you. Please know that we will make sure to raise him/her in a loving environment knowing the courage, strength, and love it took you to make this decision.

Meet Kyle and Colleen

We met through mutual friends and crossed paths a few times before we began dating.  It’s not necessarily the most romantic story, but it’s like they say: no great love story started with a salad.

Memorial Weekend 2012 we we’re at a friend’s housewarming bonfire and the slow burn between the two of us grew.  We began talking, laughing, and having a lot of fun... Kyle says he saw how competitive Colleen was playing games and “just knew.”  Needless to say it was only a matter of weeks before we were practically glued at the hip. The rest, as they say, was fate.

In 2014 Kyle proposed at an Indians baseball game - one of our favorite date night spots.  Surrounded by family & friends, we married in early 2015.  In 2021, through the blessing of adoption, we added our daughter to our family. We still enjoy going to baseball games and bonfires whether it is as a family or a simple date night.

Our Story


Colleen is a smart, caring woman who loves all children, inside and outside of the classroom. She is a passionate teacher and devoted mother, and nothing brings a smile to her face quite like bringing a smile to a child's face. She is very organized and likes to have a plan, but also can be spontaneous and playful to keep me on my toes. She can be a little shy at first, but once she warms up to someone she is a loyal friend. Colleen is definitely the glue that holds our family together.


I am so lucky to have Kyle in my life because he really is my rock. He is such a caring person that he often has a "to do" list a mile long of things to do for others. I love this about him. Kyle always takes care of everyone around him. He is always the favorite with the kids at the family events because he remembers how to be a kid himself. He's a great man, a great husband and an amazing dad.


Growing up my family was very close and tight-knit. We didn't always have money for big family vacations, but we spent quality time camping: playing in the water, taking hikes, and cooking around the campfire.

My parents raised my brother and I to be strong and independent, but they also taught us to always be understanding and take care of those around us. They were the most loving people I knew. Unfortunately, they have passed away and while I miss them both terribly, I am thankful for the relationship we had.

My brother's family and mine are quite close. We often joke that our daughters are more like sisters than cousins. We see his family sometimes multiple times a week for family events, Thursday night dinners, church, and more. We even go on one large family vacation with them typically every other year.

With the passing of my parents, my sister-in-law’s family has welcomed us as their own.  We spend time with them for holidays, birthdays, and family campouts. We are treated like family and referred to as such by all of the cousins, aunts & uncles, and especially Grandma Jeanne and Papa John.

My parents taught us that family is not defined by biology or even law - family is made up of people you love unconditionally, whomever they are.


I've always had a good relationship with both my mom's & dad's sides. 

My dad was one of 6 kids growing up, and most of the family lived here in Indiana. I am one of 9 cousins, so there was always someone to play with at my grandparent's house.  I'm still close to some of my cousins, visiting with them regularly, and now raising our daughter in a new generation of cousins.

I'm quite close with my dad and (half-)brother Quinn. Dad lives down the street and his door is always open. He loves being "Grampy" and says it his current biggest joy. Quinn is in the Coast Guard. He is an amazing uncle, and while we don't see him as often as we'd like, I couldn't be prouder of the man he's become. 

We are super close with Quinn's mom, Yiayia. She loves to spoil our daughter and go on adventures with us to the zoo, splash park, or wherever life takes us that day. 

My mom and step-dad, "Gramma Di & Popeye," live in Florida near my step-brother, Tommy, and his family. We see them multiple times a year and video call them often. My other step-brother, James, is in the Army and stationed in Texas.


We were lucky enough to buy Kyle's Grandmother's house in 2021. It has been in the family since 1974. Colleen loves to cook and play hostess, so having a house and yard large enough to have friends and family over is amazing, and knowing the family traditions started so many years ago get to continue is even better.

Our 4 bedroom home has a huge formal dining room to host holiday dinners, a "retro" room Kyle outfitted with an old stereo and old-school video-games, a family room that has turned into a playroom, a living room, and extra space to grow!  Both the front yard and backyard have room to run & play and host outdoor gatherings.


We are surrounded by great schools, parks, and play areas as well as family and friends. It is really great knowing that we have friends in the neighborhood, family only 5-10 minutes away, and so many opportunities provided to us from the city and surrounding area. 

Located in a well-established neighborhood, we joke we live in a 90s neighborhood because it seems all the neighbors know each other. There are always people outside, even in the winter. It is so amazing to live in a neighborhood where people know each other, and if you walk by someone you don't know you still receive the Hoosier smile and "hello."  

"It takes a village to raise a child," and we are so glad we have such a strong supportive village.


Kyle and Colleen are open to electronic messages with pictures or a private blog, sending  letters and offering in-person visits 1-2 times a year.

Hobbies and Interests


  • Working on cars

  • House Projects

  • Yard work and gardening

  • Video Games (occasionally)

  • Being outside as much as possible


  • Dancing (even line dancing)

  • Listening to Music & Attending concerts

  • Cooking & Hosting Meals

  • Spending Time with Family and Friends

  • Camping or being outdoors in nice weather


To inquire about this couple.

We can be reached at:

Call: 317-787-3412
Text: 317-727-9502

You can also find us on Facebook at