Positive Adoption Language

"Getting the language right, PAL"

(excerpt from "Adoption for Dummies")

by Tracey Barr and Katrina Carlisle, BSW, LSW

 "The phrases that people commonly used in the past (and that less informed people still use today) to describe or define adoption have negative connotations. How would you feel, for example, if someone asked, "Why didn't your real mom want you?" The language in this question implies that 1) the mother you have isn't the one you really belong to and 2) that you weren't placed for adoption because your birthmother wasn't prepared to be a parent; you were placed for adoption because she didn't want you.

So in comes PAL, which stands for Positive Adoption Language. This is the language you'll hear when you talk with adoption professionals, and it's the language you should use when you speak about adoption."

Positive Language Negative Language
Birthparent Real parent or natural parent
Birth child Own child, real child, natural child
My child My adopted child
Born to unmarried parents Illegitimate
Make an adoption plan Give up/ give away my child, Put up for Adoption
Decide to parent her baby Keep her baby
International adoption Foreign adoption
Make an adoption plan Give up/ give away my child, Put up for Adoption
Child in need of a family Unwanted child
Unplanned pregnancy Unwanted pregnancy
Could not conceive or could not carry Could not have children
Parent Adoptive Parent
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"Words not only convey facts, they also evoke feelings."- (Adoptive Families)


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