Our Services

St. Elizabeth| Coleman is a licensed, non-profit, adoption agency providing full service and adoptive parent preparation and support for domestic, transracial, medical needs and international adoption. Lifelong assistance and support services are available for pregnant women, the children and adoptive families facing adoption and parenting decisions.

Adoption Programs:

Donation Program:

Our History

St. Elizabeth's Pregnancy and Adoption Services was founded in 1915 by the Mother Theodore Circle #56, the first Daughters of Isabella circle formed in Indiana. Coleman Adoption Services began during the Civil War helping “wayward girls.” The agency was named after Suemma Coleman in 1894. Since the early 1990s Coleman specialized in the adoption of hard-to-place children.

In 2004 the two agencies came together to form St. Elizabeth | Coleman Pregnancy and Adoption Services to offer a full range of services. We are committed to providing support, compassion and professional assistance to pregnant women and families facing adoption and parenting decisions.

In July 2008, St. Elizabeth | Coleman became part of Catholic Charities Indianapolis, served by one agency director, David Bethuram. Combining the administrative functions of both agencies preserves and expands the services of St. Elizabeth | Coleman. Staff leadership, fundraising, accounting and administrative support are now integrated, reducing inefficiencies. Incorporating the St. Elizabeth | Coleman services into the larger agency will allow the staffs to collaborate more and pool common resources.

St. Elizabeth | Coleman will continue to be licensed in the State of Indiana to complete adoptions, domestic and international home studies, and provide counseling.