10 Frequent Questions about Adoption
1. How can Adoption be good for my Baby and me?
If you are not ready to be a parent or feel overwhelmed with being a parent, you can still give your baby the gift of life. You can select a stable and loving adoptive family. Your child will be provided for, while you can focus on becoming stable or following your own goals in education or career. Adoption offers you choice, flexibility, and assistance. We offer emotional support and guidance.
2. Can I choose an adoptive family for my child?
Yes, you have the option of selecting a family for your baby. We have many families of varying ages and cultural backgrounds for you to choose from. Each family has been screened and approved through our agency. All of our families live in Indiana and we know them very well.
3. How about the birthfather, does he have any rights to the child?
Yes, we will explain his rights to you in detail during our Adoption Planning Counseling. The birthfather can be involved in the adoption planning and can consent to the adoption or we will rely on the Putative Father Registry. Every situation is different and we will educate you about yours.
4. Do I need an attorney?
No. We are a licensed child placing agency, licensed by the state of Indiana, Our agency will handle all the legal details for you.
5. After birth, when will my baby go with the Adoptive Family I selected?
This is your choice! Typically, the adoptive couple will visit you at the hospital and the baby will be discharged directly to the family you picked.
6. Can I spend time with my baby at the hospital?
This is your choice! Yes, you may spend as much time with your baby as you desire. You can enjoy the one-on-one quality time with your child before signing the adoption documents. Many of our clients invite the adoptive family to the hospital and everyone spends some time together caring for the baby everyone loves.
7. Can I have ongoing contact with the baby after he/she leaves the hospital?
This is your choice! Yes, if you would like to have an ongoing relationship with your child and the adoptive family, St. Elizabeth / Coleman can help with that. You have the choice of selecting an Open Adoption, Semi-Open Adoption or Closed Adoption. Our Adoptive Families understand your need to know that your child is doing well and is cared for. Many families communicate with the birthparents over email or text.
8. Can my child do a search and find me in the years to come?
Yes, our agency offers Search & Reunion Services to birthmothers as well as adoptees. More information can be found on our Search & Reunion Overview page.
9. How can I be certain that the Adoptive Family will take care and love my child?
Couples who adopt must complete an in-depth home study process to be approved as adoptive parents. Since so many couples want to adopt, we can be extremely selective about the couples with whom we choose to work with. Before finalizing the adoption, St. Elizabeth / Coleman will make another home visit to ensure the baby's well-being. You can receive letters, pictures and choose to visit with the adoptive family. By receiving updates about your child, you will see he or she is well taking care of and loved by the family.
10. Will my child have information about the birthfather?
We hope so. We will ask you to share whatever information you feel comfortable with. With your consent, we can also contact the birthfather and ask for his cooperation in sharing his medical history and family history. Having information about both birthparents is important because 1) it provides the child with ancestral background which will help them to develop pride in their heritage and thus pride in themselves; 2) it assists the adoptive family in answering the child’s inevitable future questions; 3) it provides adequate medical background to be helpful to the adoptive child for his/her entire life; and 4) it gives the child a sense of security and help in developing a firmer identity.