Steps for Your Adoption Plan
Step 1
Call our agency at 317-787-3412 and ask for our Pregnancy & Adoption Counselor. We can first talk on the phone and answer your questions or set up a meeting to talk in person. We will provide adoption information and talk about your options.
Step 2
Our counselors will provide information about your choices about the Openness in Adoptions. How much communication and / visits would you like after the adoption?
Step 3
You have the choice to Select an Adoptive Couple that is the perfect fit for your baby. All of our potential adoptive couples live in Indiana. They have gone through extensive adoption training and background checks. They are excited to be selected and get to know you!
Click below to view some of our waiting couple profiles.
Step 4
You have the right to Meet potential Adoptive Couples and really get to know them personally to build a bonding relationship.
Step 5
We will provide Financial Support for you to help pay for living & medical expenses. We will help you set personal goals and assist you in Reaching your Goals! Your future starts today and your possibilities are endless!
Step 6
You can Receive Free Counseling and Support - One of the most important parts of making an adoption plan, is receiving support and counseling during your pregnancy and after. Adoption is not a one-time event, but a life-long process. We are here for you!