Suggested Readings & Websites
For Adults
Carlisle, Katrina and Barr, Tracy “Adoption for Dummies”
Cogen, Patty “Parenting Your Internationally Adopted Child: From Your First Hours Together Through the Teen Years”
Crumbley, Joseph “Transracial Adoption and Foster Care”
Eldridge, Sherrie “Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wished Their Adoptive Parents Knew”
Johnston, Patricia Irwin “Adopting Sound Choices, Strong Families”
Keck, Gregory C. and Kubecky, Regina M. “Adopting the Hurt Child: Hope for Families with Special Needs Kids”
Keefer, Betsy and Schooler, Jayne E. “Telling the Truth to your Adopted or Foster Child”
Steinberg, Gail and Hall, Beth "Inside Transracial Adoption"
Watkins, Mary and Fisher, Susan “Talking with Young Children about Adoption”
Francesca, Zoe “My Family, My Journey: A Baby Book For Adoptive Families”
Dr. Siegel, Daniel “Parenting From The Inside Out: How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive”
Sunshine, Wendy, Dr. Cross, David and Dr. Purvis, Karyn “The Connected Child”
Gray, Deborah“Attaching in Adoption”
Hopkins, Mary“Toddler Adoption: The Weaver's Craft”
Dr. Keck, Gregory“Adopting the Hurt Child”
Dr. Keck, Gregory“Parenting the Hurt Child”
Davenport, Dawn“The Complete Book of International Adoption ”
For Kids
Bond, Juliet C. "Sam's Sister"
Durant, Jolene "Never Never Never Will She Stop Loving You"
Hamanaka, Sheila "All Colors of the Earth"
O'Shea, Robbie "I'm Brown and My Sister Isn't"
Parr, Todd "It's Okay to be Different"
Simon, Norma "All Kinds of Families"
Curtis, Jaime Lee "Tell Me Again About the Night I Was Adopted"
Helpful Websites
Adoptive Family Magazine
Award-winning national magazine and online resource for pre and post adoptive familiesNational Council for Adoption
Online Resource for Adoption Advocacy, domestic and international adoptionPact – An Adoption Alliance
A wealth of Informational Resources for Transracial / Transcultural AdoptionsTapestry Books
Excellent source for Adoption Books & ResourcesPerspective Press
Infertility & Adoption Publisher provides list of recommended Adoption BooksAdopting.Com
Videos and Articles about a variety of Adoption TopicsJoint Council on International Children’s Services
Resources and Advocacy for International AdoptionBureau of Consular Affairs - U.S. Department of State
Excellent resource and information about Intercountry Adoptions